Stage 1 Study Leave

For Northwest Trainees

The focus of stage 1 training should be gaining solid clinical skills in anaesthesia and passing the Primary FRCA Exam. Therefore, in CT1 & CT2, study leave will not usually be granted for anything other than the regional “top sliced” teaching courses & the North West exam preparation courses. In CT3, new training opportunities are being developed which will prepare for transition to the “registrar” grade (ST4+) and provide training in the generic professional competency elements of the 2021 curriculum. These training opportunities will again be funded by a top-slice, and we expect all trainees to attend.  It is common for trainees to ask for life support courses to be funded during stage 1 training (ALS, APLS, ATLS etc). We recommend that these courses are undertaken after success in all parts of the primary FRCA exam. Whenever possible, local part-funded courses should be chosen. It is unusual for more than one resuscitation type course to be funded during stage 1 training.  Locally arranged teaching & exam courses already provide significant time away from clinical work, so further study leave for exam preparation courses will not be supported.  Trainees who are repeating any component of the Primary FRCA may apply to attend the locally arranged teaching in the Mersey side of the School. This is different to the commercial courses run by MSA – which are not usually funded.  Trainees sitting the Primary FRCA MCQ/SBA paper will be offered access to the website for a 2-month period & this will be paid for.  We recognize that development of teaching skills is important & features in the 2021 curriculum. In Stage 1 training, teaching skills can be developed within the training programme, and study leave for teaching and instructing is therefore not usually granted in stage 1. Generic Instructor/ATLS Instructor Courses are no longer funded by HEE.  The generic professional capability aspects of the 2021 curriculum will be catered for in a number of courses. These study days should normally be undertaken in CT3, but there is some flexibility between CT2 & CT3. We expect all stand-alone study days to be completed by the end of CT3.  Whilst there is discretion for those trainees who pass the Primary FRCA exam early in Stage 1 training, overseas study leave is not usually be supported. 

Click to view a list of approved courses & study days: