Stage 3 Teaching

Stage 3 Teaching



Below is a list of teaching courses you are expected to complete during stage 3. Click on the course to see a summary. The calendar below shows the course dates. Please review the notes on the calendar for details about registration.

During Stage 3 training your focus will shift towards completion of training and CCT. You will also complete you SIA modules during this stage which may have specific teaching sessions arranged by within your host trust.

To view available specialist interest modules (SIA): Click Here

Stage 3 Educational Calendar

Training Level
Training Group

More Information On Teaching Days

Please follow these rules of engagement when accessing Zoom/ Teams tutorials:

1) Please join the session a few minutes before the session starts. The only attendees who will be able to attend late are those who have been unable to join due to travelling from hospital following an on-call shift.

2) Choose to connect by audio and then allow to share video. Attendees who do not share video will be asked to turn the camera on, and if not done, may be excluded from the session.

3) Once the presentation starts, could you please mute your microphone to minimise background noise. When asked questions, please unmute to answer.

4) Use the chat function if needed to ask questions during the presentation. If there is a problem with audio or the visuals, please unmute to ask the presenter to rectify it.