Less Than Full Time Training

Less Than Full Time Training

Less than full time training is growing and changing with more than 70 trainees now in the North West Deanery. With more and more people finding out about the exciting opportunities that less than full time training offers, hopefully this is your one stop shop for all the information you could need.

Less Than Full Time Guide

 North West School of Anaesthesia Guide to Less Than Full Time Training 


If you would like any information regarding LTFT training please contact one of the people below.

LTFT training adviser: Dr Victoria Scott-Warren - VictoriaLouise.Scott-Warren@mft.nhs.uk

North West LTFT Trainee Rep: Dr Kate Lloyd - Lloydkf@doctors.org.uk

Mersey LTFT Trainee Rep: Dr Emily Robinson - emilyr518@yahoo.co.uk

Guides & Links

Please have a look at the guide relevant to your stage of training for further information. These have recently been updated for: Core , ACCS and Stage 2 & 3

HEE Guidance has also been written which contains more general information on less than full time training. The HENW LTFT Website contains further info and a separate link to the eligibility form.

The RCOA have produced their own guide specific to LTFT training in anaesthesia.

The A to Z guide by the RCOA to LTFT training is available here

This E-Learning Package is designed for trainers and staff involved in supporting trainees in their LTFT roles.


For information regarding rotas please view the NW LTFT guide further up the page. Additionally there is an excellent video at the bottom of the page from Maddy Fogarty Hover BMA LTFT Rep explaining all things rotas.

For calculation of your hours you can use this LTFT rota template created by a LTFT trainee.


An excellent video from Maddy Fogarty Hover BMA LTFT Rep explaining all things pay can be found at the bottom of the page.

Guide for people on the 'old' pre-2016 contract.

Guide for people on the 'new' 2016 contract.

Pay protection has caused problems for LTFT trainees but it is a complicated area. Here is a link to FAQs from NHSE.

The BMA have a page explaining pay protection including an interactive tool to identify which section you are in.

The BMA have also explained the updates to the 2016 contract including changes to pay protection and a further nodal point at ST6.


There are 3 'categories' of LTFT training. Category 1 is for people with childcare or health reasons. Category 2 is for people who have a unique interest in an area which doesn't need to be medically related. Category 3 is new and is explained below and is open from August 2022.

Under this scheme all trainees will be eligible to train at 50%, 60%,70% or 80% by requesting Category 3 status, without having a specific reason, the current window of opportunity to apply will be open between Monday 14th March until Monday 18th April.

To simply the process below are several points which will activated for everyone in the future.

  1. LTFT will commence only at rotation points – unless an unexpected reason is identified during a placement for example health, carer, parental leave.
  2. Increasing back to full time will only be allowed at a rotation change and with notice unless exceptional circumstances apply.
  3. Initial application for LTFT will be in 2 windows mid March to mid April and mid September to mid October. The form will ask for the reason as it does now and in the case of health as for conformation of engagement with health care /OH (duty of care)- this will allow us to monitor the situation.

Here is the link to application form

From august these categories will disappear, but you will still be asked in the NW your reason for applying, in case you need any further support.

The LTFT Checklist is a step by step guide to those applying for a LTFT post.

Trust LTFT Champions

If you have any issues with pay or other issues with your LTFT training your first port of call should be your trust LTFT champion.

Lift of Trust LTFT Champions

Parenting in Anaesthesia

Pregnancy & Parental Leave

Returning to Training

Please see our Return to work guide (part of LTFT guide): Click Here

Click here to see the north west deanery RTT site

Lead Employer RTT Support Resources

Link to RTT Forms

The return to work course

Return To Work Course flyer 

Tutorial NameTutorial DateTutorial LocationTraining GroupTagsCourse Lead/ ContactNotes
October 9, 2024

Royal Preston Hospital

Requires RegistrationStandalone Course

Elena Wheeler

Return to work course for trainees coming back to training. Register via email: elena.wheeler@mft.nhs.uk

NW & Mersey LTFT Seminar 2022

Please find below presentations from the NW & Mersey LTFT Seminar 2022.

Dr Karen Kidner: LTFT Training Update

Dr Maddy Fogarty Hover: LTFT Rotas & Pay

Dr Jennifer Gwinnutt: Being an ES to a LTFT Trainee

Dr Insiya Susnerwala: Transition from LTFTT to Consultancy

Dr Rachael Sparke: Perceptions in LTFTT

Dr Matthew Redmond: Male LTFTT Perspective