Final ARCP To CCT Checklist

Final ARCP To CCT Checklist

Written by Dr Natalie Quinn

Updated 2024

Prior to Final ARCP (ARCP usually 3 months prior to CCT date)

• Ensure all domains as guided on are completed. Sign off all stage 3 competencies in your final placement. • Upload all ARCP Outcomes from CT1-ST7 to LLP and clearly signpost • Sign and complete RCoA Notification of Completion of Training Form and return to RCoA - requires TPD/RA signature • RCoA sends advanced notification to the GMC of trainee’s projected CCT for invitation to specialist register (can be applied for up to 6 months prior to CCT) Final ARCP. For more information on the RCOA specialist register forms see here:

• Your opportunity to feedback on training programme • Recommendation for Outcome 6 - YAY! Congratulations!

Next steps

• Upload signed Outcome 6 ARCP to LLP and inform HEENW when completed • Resignation from training post letter to TPD/Deanery and Lead Employer – NB. Trainees do not automatically enter grace period – if required needs discussion with TPD and completion of request form a minimum of 6 months prior to CCT date. • HEE/Responsible Officer inform GMC of recommendation for revalidation, with future revalidation submission date updated in line with expected CCT date. • HEE informs RCoA of recommendation for Outcome 6 • RCoA reviews LLP and file and sends automated recommendation to the GMC for CCT and addition to specialist register – legal requirement for Trust HR medical personnel before consultant post start date can be arranged. Contact RCoA if no invitation email from GMC received within 3 months of CCT date and check all paperwork in place. • GMC invites application to CCT and the Specialist Register online and fee payment required (must be submitted 12 months from CCT date) – this is not automatic and is the individual’s responsibility. • Download Lead Employer payslips, P60, Total Reward Statement, Pension statement and Employment statement from myESR.

Consultant HR Paperwork

When starting a new consultant job, the recruitment process will need a number of documents.

• GMC Specialist Register Date required – Consultant post can only be taken up after this date • Health declaration and Vaccination evidence • Identity check evidence – online copies not accepted! • DBS application – apply to update service • Evidence of work overseas (if applicable) • References completed

Other things you need to do:

• Join BMA for contract check • Consider discussion with Department/HR for unpaid leave if considering sabbatical to avoid losing continuous service benefits • Contact NHS Pensions (if required) • Update indemnity • Update RCoA of consultant post appointment • Consider updating GMC with clinical/educational supervisor status (if applicable) • On consultant post start date, update responsible officer and designated body for revalidation